Hip prosthesis in elderly people of the Naval Hospital. Guayaquil
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hip prosthesis
hip fracture

How to Cite

Guamán-Torres, J. G., Navarro-González , A. J., & Samaniego-Arévalo, M. C. (2019). Hip prosthesis in elderly people of the Naval Hospital. Guayaquil. Revista Estudiantil CEUS (Ciencia Estudiantil Unidad De Salud), 1(1), 7-12. Retrieved from https://ceus.ucacue.edu.ec/index.php/ceus/article/view/3




Objective: To determine the incidence and factors associated with the use of hip prostheses in older adults of the Naval Hospital of Guayaquil during the 2015 period. Materials and methods: It is a descriptive and transversal quantitative study. The sample consisted of 100 participants who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The instrument used was the previously validated survey and the data obtained were processed in the statistical program SPSS 20.00. Results: The average age was 65 years, the gender observed consisted of 62 men and 38 women, with diagnoses of coxarthrosis, hip fracture and unspecified complications in prosthetic devices, implants and orthopedic grafts; the incidence of hip prosthesis use is 57% of which 77% were hemiarthroplasty and 23% total arthroplasty. Conclusions: Among older adults, the factors associated with the use of hip arthroplasty were observed: high age, obesity and sex.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2019 Julio Guillermo Guamán-Torres, Alfredo Jesús Navarro-González , Melissa Cecibel Samaniego-Arévalo


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