Prevalence of dentoalveolar trauma in the population of the urban parish Gil Ramírez Davalos del cantón Cuenca in 2019
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dental trauma
oral injuries

How to Cite

Garzón-Ordoñez, J. M., & Quito-Vallejo, E. D. (2020). Prevalence of dentoalveolar trauma in the population of the urban parish Gil Ramírez Davalos del cantón Cuenca in 2019. Revista Estudiantil CEUS (Ciencia Estudiantil Unidad De Salud), 2(1), 7-12. Retrieved from



Introduction: It is important to establish the provincial, national and international prevalence of dental trauma as a public health problem. According to the World Health Organization (OMS), it is considered the second most frequent cause in the emergency department and reference hospitals, after caries and therefore it is important to know its prevalence and be aware of it, which is the reason for the study. Objective: To determine the prevalence of dental-alveolar trauma in the urban parish of Gil Ramírez Davalos in the canton of Cuenca by 2019. Materials and Methods: Retrospective descriptive/analytic design of transversal cut and is part of the "Macro epidemiological study of dentoalveolar trauma in children, adolescents and adults. Results: Of the 385 people in total, 200 were women (51.9%) between the ages of 1 and 85 years and 185 men with an age (48.1%) ranging between 1 and 91 years, the prevalence of trauma was 3 , 4% being 13.8% in children, 6.2% in adolescents, 75.1% in adults between 18 and 64 years old and 4.9% in older adults. The teeth most affected were the upper central incisors. It can be seen that the etiological factor of injuries was collision with objects, followed by falls in adults and children without reporting significant traits between both age groups. Conclusion: The results of the present study highlight the prevalence of dental trauma in the Gil Ramirez Davalos parish.

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Copyright (c) 2020 Johamara Michelle Garzón-Ordoñez, Erica Dayana Quito-Vallejo


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