Health education challenge to Nursing and Education careers. Santa Elena, Ecuador
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school lunchbox
healthy eating
nutritional status
Health Education

How to Cite

Alfonso-de-la-Nuez, W., da-Costa-Leites, L., & Mederos-Machado, M. C. (2020). Health education challenge to Nursing and Education careers. Santa Elena, Ecuador. Revista Estudiantil CEUS (Ciencia Estudiantil Unidad De Salud), 2(3), 23-28. Retrieved from



In recent decades, Health Education has faced new challenges, with the exacerbation of junk food by the food industry transnationals. No level of Education escapes this, including university students. In the Cantón La Libertad, in the province of Santa Elena- Ecuador, this study was carried out on the nutritional status of preschool children from 10 schools, it specifies the Carmen Montenegro school in Obregón. Its objective is to determine the characteristics of the nutritional status of the children of the Carmen Montenegro school and in reference to the composition of the school lunch box of the preschool children, as well as to establish some considerations related to the training of the students of the Nursing career of the UPSE, the main sources of health education in the province. As a result, the nutritional status of preschoolers was determined to be normal, obtaining this data as one of the results with the highest percentage, (39%. 21% have alterations in their nutritional status. 98% of the children bring a lunch box to school Among the foods that have in it, fruits (83.84%), homemade foods (75.98%), followed by dairy products and natural juices / (75.55%) stand out. 79.45% water is also incorporated. 67% of children consume food provided by the school bars Very general recommendations on Health Education are made, which serve as a basis for UPSE Nursing students.

PDF (Español (España))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2020 Wilfredo Alfonso-de-la-Nuez, Leticia da-Costa-Leites, María Caridad Mederos-Machado


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