Introduction: Sexuality in the adolescent period is this first or second stage is one in which the young man unfolds physically and mentally, reaching secondary sexual characteristics, in addition to being complicated, education influences the lives of adolescents. Objective: To determine aspects related to the beginning of sexual and reproductive life in adolescents of the UPSE Educational Unit. Materials and methods: The particularity of the research is qualitative and quantitative, the quantitative being elementary, data was collected, variables were reported, the incidence and interrelation were explored at different times, the methods used are inductive - deductive, analytical - synthetic. Results: The research was carried out in the UPSE Educational Unit first and second year of high school in the period 2019-2020, of the canton of La Libertad, of the Province of Santa Elena, unit of second level of education, belonging to District No. 2 La Libertad - Salinas, being the universe of 549 adolescents, it was determined that the largest number of adolescents began their first sexual relationship between the ages of 13 to 15 years, 46% of adolescents the causes that motivated them to have their first sexual relationship were out of curiosity followed by lack of knowledge, knowledge about contraceptive methods was 97. Conclusion: Children and adolescents are immersed in a world that offers them daily various motivations that stimulate the premature start of sexual activity, with the passing of the years, the beginning of sexual relations in adolescents increasingly occurs at an early age, attributed as a reason, curiosity without measuring the consequences that can bring.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Carlos Julio Saavedra-Alvarado , Aída García-Ruiz , Adonis Faustino Hernández-Ortiz