Background: Transvaginal ultrasonography is the most useful imaging test to differentiate acute gynecological pathological conditions, and to a large extent influences the decision of surgical or medical treatment of these multiple diseases. Objective: to identify the ultrasonographic findings in acute surgical gynecological disease in patients treated at the José Carrasco Arteaga Hospital, during the period January 2015 to December 2019. Materials and methods: cross-sectional descriptive observational study. 291 medical records of women who met the inclusion criteria were included. The information was analyzed using the statistical program SPSS version 15.0, applying descriptive statistics. Results: 79.4% of women diagnosed with acute gynecological pathologies with surgical resolution were between 20 and 39 years old; 64.6% were multiparous and 51.5% nulliparous; 38.5% used hormonal contraceptives. Ectopic pregnancy was the most frequent diagnosis in 47.1%, followed by hemorrhagic cyst (23.7%) and neoplastic lesions (18.2%). Among the ultrasound characteristics of ectopic pregnancy, hemoperitoneum was the most representative (24.7%); Regarding the hemorrhagic cyst, the cystic lesion with reticular echoes was the most common (19.2%); free fluid in the cavity (6.2%) was the most representative sign of pelvic inflammatory disease; in ovarian torsion, the increase in ovary volume showed 5.2%. Conclusions: the most common ultrasonographic findings in acute surgical gynecological disease were ectopic pregnancy and hemorrhagic ovarian cyst with a fine reticular pattern inside.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Danny Fabián Torres-Díaz, Tania Ximena Cajamarca-Cárdenas, Jeanneth Patricia Tapia-Cárdenas, Raúl David Vera-Pulla, Kimberly Sandoya-Maza