Nursing care in patients with psychiatric pathologies
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psychiatric pathologies

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Pedraza-Pérez-de-Prado, D., Pérez-Ruiz, A., Macías-Miñoso, D., & Mendoza-Jorge, G. (2020). Nursing care in patients with psychiatric pathologies. Revista Estudiantil CEUS (Ciencia Estudiantil Unidad De Salud), 2(1), 19-22. Retrieved from



Introduction: Psychiatric pathologies are usually accompanied by a decrease in the physical and mental capacities that the healthy individual has to cover by himself his basic needs, in the patient with mental disorders, the nurse is in charge of satisfying them, promoting as much as possible self-care, collaborating in the positive effort of self-esteem, important signs of an improvement and well-being of the patient. Objective: To evaluate the competence of nurses in the management of patients with psychiatric pathologies, diagnose the levels of knowledge according to category, sex and functions they perform, identify years of experience in the specialty and relate this to the knowledge of the same, according to the results propose a course to improve the level of knowledge. Method: An observational prospective descriptive study was carried out at the Villa Clara Psychiatric Hospital from December 2017 - February 2018. The study universe consisted of 63 nurses. A survey was applied to collect the information. Results: The female sex, the category of graduates and in care functions prevailed. The level of knowledge was evaluated as unsatisfactory in the management of the patient with psychiatric disorders. Almost all have more than 5 years of experience in the specialty and there is a directly proportional relationship between this and the level of knowledge they present, for all the above, a course of improvement is proposed Conclusions: A course will be given for nursing staff to improve care for patients with psychiatric pathologies.

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Copyright (c) 2020 Disley Pedraza-Pérez-de-Prado, Alina Pérez-Ruiz, Dignora Macías-Miñoso, Gerardo Mendoza-Jorge


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