The use of bacterial extracts in Allergology are real facts; made from bacterial species, involving upper and lower airways and / or urinary tract infections. Bacterial antigens are obtained from suspensions of dead bacteria. Bacterial structures provide the main source of immuno-adjuvants, perhaps because they signal infection dangers, and it is no accident that incorporation of the "carrier" of the gene encoding a given immunogen can be so effective. And not only are bacterial lysates administered, bacterial toxins also come into play, which lose their toxicity and maintain their antigenicity, when treated they become toxoids, which stimulate the production of antibodies. The administration of endotoxins demonstrated an early but transitory increase in resistance to infections after their systematic administration. Viable germs and non-viable parts of microbial organisms are found in nature and are found in variable concentrations in both outdoor and indoor environments. These microbial substances are recognized by the innate immune system in the absence of infection and induce a powerful inflammatory response. Exposure to endotoxins, lipopolysaccharide fragments that surround the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria, is particularly interesting. Endotoxins are in the environment and produce a wide spectrum of acute and chronic respiratory tract manifestations. However, there is evidence that early life exposure to environmental endotoxins can protect against allergy or asthma development.
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