Context: The therapeutic Star Ganglion Block is a procedure to relieve pain in the upper limbs, head and neck with multiple applications in the treatment of chronic pain. Objective: to describe the clinical evolution of a patient with adhesive capsulitis of the right shoulder after 5 Star Ganglion blocks were performed. Methodology: Using the clinical method as the main tool in the diagnosis and multidisciplinary assessment, the diagnosis of adhesive capsulitis of the right shoulder after prolonged immobilization was reached and the need to perform a stellate ganglion block as a therapeutic measure to reverse the symptoms present. Five blocks were performed by an Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Specialist, with an interval of 3 days, using 50 mg of isobaric Bupivacaine. Clinical case: 57-year-old patient, female, mixed skin color, with a history of suffering from arterial hypertension, epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, obesity who suffers a trauma in the upper right limb, immobilization of the limb for 6 weeks When immobilization is removed, the patient presents signs suggestive of Sudeck's disease, rehabilitation is indicated with techniques of Natural and Traditional Medicine which does not improve the clinical picture, a multidisciplinary consultation is carried out where it is decided with the consent of the patient to perform blocks of the stellate ganglion as a therapeutic measure. Conclusions: With five blocks of the stellate ganglion, the pain and the thermal gradient disappeared, the skin color improved and the mobility of the right upper limb recovered, which shows the effectiveness of the therapeutic measure.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Yuleidy Fernández-Rodríguez, José Alfredo Moreno-Guillen