Introduction: Total Intravenous Anesthesia is characterized by greater hemodynamic stability, depth of anesthesia, rapid and predictable recovery, fewer drugs and less toxicity. Objective: to determine the results of the use of a protocol of total intravenous anesthesia after chemotherapy in patients undergoing breast cancer surgery. Method: An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in the first semester of 2021 at the Provincial University Gyneco-obstetric Hospital "Mariana Grajales" of Villa Clara. The study population was made up of 41 patients who met the selection criteria and were treated in the health unit, the variables analyzed were: age, signs of anesthetic superficiality, anesthetic recovery, level of sedation, presence of pain, intensity of pain, hemodynamic status and complications depending on the anesthetic technique. Results: the age group of 60 years and over with 18 patients predominated, the level of sedation was optimal and immediate anesthetic recovery in 90, 24%, 38 patients had a class II physical condition, no patient presented complications dependent on the anesthesia and no notable alterations in hemodynamic status were recorded. Conclusion: the application of the Total Intravenous Anesthesia protocol was effective since most of the patients had an optimal level of sedation with immediate anesthetic recovery without hemodynamic alterations or complications dependent on the anesthetic technique.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Yuleidy Fernández-Rodríguez , Mirelys Sarduy-Lugo, Yaité Quiñones-Gálvez, Niurka de-la-Torre-Cuellar, Carmen Vázquez-Lazo