Lifestyle related to the health of the elderly with chronic non-communicable diseases
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noncommunicable diseases
quality of life

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Peralta-Vintimilla, A. L., Pacurucu-Ávila, N. J., Criollo-Carreño, S. K., Suqui-Morocho, E. R., & Tinoco-Tinoco, M. G. (2019). Lifestyle related to the health of the elderly with chronic non-communicable diseases. Revista Estudiantil CEUS (Ciencia Estudiantil Unidad De Salud), 1(3), 1-6. Retrieved from



Introduction: Lifestyles by applying Nola J. Pender's metaparadigma is perhaps one of the most objective ways of measuring health. It allows to understand human behaviors related to chronic noncommunicable diseases, and in turn, orients towards the generation of healthy behaviors. Objective: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the lifestyle by applying Nola J. Pender metaparadigma in older adults with chronic noncommunicable diseases who attend the Ricaurte Health Center in the May - October 2018 period. Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out. The sample consisted of 100 older adults diagnosed with chronic noncommunicable diseases who come to the Ricaurte Health Center in the province of Azuay, to which two instruments were applied: a socio-epidemiological record and a questionnaire to assess the lifestyles called Pender Lifestyle Profiles (PEVP-II), whose dimensions evaluated were: nutrition, physical activity, stress management, interpersonal relationships, spiritual growth and health responsibility. Results: A population with female predominance (67%) was found, with a general average of 68.59 ± 6.730. 76% mentioned the presence of arterial hypertension, with respect to the results of PEVP-II, it can be observed that the interpersonal relations and nutrition dimensions obtained the highest scores with a mean of 2.33 ± 0.45 and 2.28 ± 0, 37 respectively; and the lowest dimension being related to physical activity with an average of 2.33 ± 0.45. Conclusions: male sex and an income> to a Basic salary are protective factors; while as risk factors we have age and finally having some chronic pathology for more than 10 years. The dimensions that alter lifestyles in older adults are physical activity, spiritual growth and health responsibility; It is evident that the Nola J. Pender Model is the fundamental basis for educating the individual, the family and the community, also the importance of the application in the context of nursing, prioritizing the relevant aspects that affect or prevent the individual from carrying a healthy lifestyle

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2019 Ana Lucia Peralta-Vintimilla, Nube Johanna Pacurucu-Ávila, Sonia Katherine Criollo-Carreño, Elsa Raquel Suqui-Morocho, Melissa Gabriela Tinoco-Tinoco


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